0/+90: The Wedding Part 1: Setup
For obvious reasons, we did not actually make a post with 0 days to go, so I thought maybe our ninety-day anniversary would be a good time for a recap. That's right, folks, NINETY.
Setting Up
The majority of the work for our wedding really started the day before, when we got the keys to the site and could start decorating. After being worried about the threat of rain all week it turned out to be very sunny, though on the cold side. Tashia's family arrived in the morning and they, along with my family and some of our wedding party got to work setting everything up. Nobody thought to take any pictures, so we only have one action shot:

But don't our decorations look good? We made them all ourselves (including the printing) and Tashia came up with most of the ideas and designs:
We couldn't set up everything, because some staff came by and warned us that kids like to come by at night and mess with things. So we got the tent up and all the indoor decorations, but we had to leave the chairs and outside tables for the next day.
We had the wedding rehearsal that same day and it went off without a hitch. Which was good, because the hitching was supposed to be the next day. *cue collective groan*
The Day Of
You can't really tell in any of the pictures because our photographer, Kristina from K Herman Photography did such a good job, but it was more gloomy on Saturday than it was the day before, and not much warmer. While the girls were off getting their hair done, the guys and I set up the chairs (getting them down the hill over soggy ground was super fun), the outdoor tables, signage, lights, and all the little details to make the day perfect.
So after the guys got ready...

...and the girls got ready...
It was time for our First Look!

The original plan for the reception was to have the dinner and toasts inside, then move the party outside where the band would be waiting. While we were out getting pictures taken with the bridal party, the caterer arrived and started setting up their stuff inside. When the band got there, they didn't think it would be a good idea to play outside, since it was so cold that day. They didn't think our guests would want to be out in the cold.
While I was running around like a chicken with my head chopped off and Tashia was hiding in the trees for her big reveal, the caterer was taking down the second, outdoor bar, and the band and caterer and random wedding guests and family rearranged the inside to get everything to fit.
To be continued...
Did Bryan and Tashia get married? Did anyone fall into the mud? Did the reception work all in one place? Is Bryan just too tired to finish his post so he's going to stop writing for the night? Find out next time!!